make the point, it seems clear that many men reflect this attitude to TVs.

W. B. POMEROY, "A Report on the Sexual Histories of Twenty-Five Transsexuals," p 444. Among the first things obvious in this group was a high percentage who had early and intense religious training, and a large portion who were highly isolated from other children. About half the parents were separated by divorce or death during the TS's childhood. Libido was consistently low, with exceptionally low rates of masturbation, nocturnal emission and intercourse. Nearly half the group had been exclusively homosexual; only two had not had such experience and only one of those seemed to be more hetero- than homosexual in overall response. The general summary is they were "rather rigid, moralistic, isolated people with low rates of sex behavior but a very great fantasy life which was compulsive and irreversible. They were not fetishistic as were the TVs." Dressing gave them relief only through adoption of the total female role.


J. MONEY and R. EPSTEIN, "Verbal Aptitude in Eonism and Prepubertal Effeminacy A Feminine Trait," p 448. Gives relative ratings on TVs and TSs, both male and female, as well as the effeminate boys. All rated normal intelligence (within statistical limits) and superior in Verbal Comprehension. If this means TVs talk a lot, I knew that!

R. B. DOORBAR, "Psychological Testing of Transsexuals," p 445. A less broad but much deeper study of the same sort as the previous paper. One interesting sidelight; the author was well aware of the "credibility gap" in the TS, and expressed herself as a little suspicious of the frequent descriptions of the mother's desire for a girl which led to permissive cross-dressing. She notes: "It is extremely difficult to determine, in the absence of the mother, just how much of this behavior was generated by the mother herself and how much was a response to the child's needs and wishes."